Are you prepared for the next wildfire?

You can take effective steps to increase protections for your home and we can help you get there.

A Homeowner Wildland Fire Risk Overview will cover a property overview of the surrounding terrain and fire behavior risks, structure modifications and home hardening plans, and vegetation defensible space recommendations.

Homeowner Wildfire Risk Overview


Step 1

It all begins with scheduling an appointment for a Wildfire Risk Overview to be conducted at your home. Services will be offered during May and June 2021.

Step 2

TWMT will send a consultant to work with you to assess the wildfire risk in your area and document home hardening and vegetation defensible space improvements. This on-sight evaluation process will take approximately two hours.


Step 3

You will receive a report with recommendations for steps to improve your home resilience to wildfire and actions to increase your vegetation defensible space. Consultation will take place including easy steps you can take as a homeowner and a list of local contractors that can assist with greater tasks.


Community Wildfire Protection Plans