Read the 2022 Sublette County CWPP here.

Check out our Podcast Episode with Designing Nature’s Half:

Key Resources

Teton Area Wildfire Protection Coalition:

Our Teton County local collaborative that is working towards becoming a fire-adapted community.

Teton Interagency Fire:

Wildfire Information and Local Federal Agency Links.

Jackson Hole Fire/EMS:

Navigate to the Prevention tab and Wildfire Urban Interface (WUI) information.

Teton Conservation District:

Navigate to Grants & Assistance/Wildfire Risk Reduction Program.

Teton County Emergency Management:

Local emergency and disaster information and Ready! Set! Go! links.

Coalitions & Collaboratives, Inc.:

Coalitions & Collaboratives support place-based groups located across the county. They bring expertise, resources, and funding to support organizations that work to protect our environment, communities, and economic interests.

Marin, CA Fire Safe Council:

Check out excellent webinars and homeowner information.

Firewise USA:

National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) information to make homes more resilient from wildfire risks.

2022 Sublette County CWPP: 2022-Sublette-County-Community-Wildfire-Protection-Plan (

Teton County GIS Hub:

Displays Teton County WUI maps. Open the “Ownership” app, then click on the “Layers” icon on the right column. Click open the “Planning & Building Layers/Planning & Building Fireground Layer/Wildland Urban Interface”. Search/Locate your property to see if your parcel sits within the WUI-mapped layer.

Home Hardening and Retrofitting

Frontline Wildfire Defense Systems LLC:

The Frontline Wildfire Defense system is an exterior home fire sprinkler system that covers your home and property with a biodegradable firefighting foam.

The following company provides fire-resistant vents for the home. The technology utilizes two design features: 1) A physical design that prevents embers from entering by way of small diameter holes and angles of entry and 2) An intumescent (a substance that swells with heat exposure) coating that expands when flame/radiant heat reaches critical temperatures, creating a “firewall”:

Vulcan Technologies:

Insurance Institute for Business Home and Safety:

Navigate to Risk - Research/Wildfire. IBHS is an independent, nonprofit, scientific research and communications organization supported solely by property insurers and reinsurers. The mission of the IBHS is to conduct objective, scientific research to identify and promote the most effective ways to strengthen homes, businesses and communities against natural disasters.

Defensible Space

Hidden Hills Subdivision:

Terrific video of Hidden Hills in Jackson, Wyoming project creating defensible space and becoming a Fire Adapted Community.

Prescribed Burn Associations

NC Prescribed Burn Associations:

North Carolina State University is a fantastic resource for starting a Prescribed Burn Association. A PBA is a group of landowners, interested citizens, and local entities that form a partnership to conduct prescribed burns to put “good fire” back onto the landscape and reduce hazardous fuels.

California Prescribe Burn Association:

California’s web hub for Prescribed Burn Associations and resources for community-based burning.

Resident & Firefighter Safety

The Mesothelioma Center:

Wildfires can damage asbestos-containing materials and lead to asbestos exposure among first responders, recovery crews, and residents. Learn how to prevent asbestos exposure when preparing for and cleaning up after a natural disaster.

*** In memory of Ernie Walker (1963 - 2021) - Engine Captain, Helicopter Rappeller and Smokejumper***

Be ready, so you don’t have to get ready.

D. Gomez