Be prepared for the next wildfire.

We can help you with fire mitigation measures and creating plans that could save your home.


The risks of catastrophic wildfire are a serious threat and you have the opportunity to reduce the potential for property damage and save your home. Our evaluation can help identify hazards and risks and develop strategies to increase the chances that your home survives the next wildfire.

Teton Wildfire Mitigation Team, LLC specializes in all services to support community members with wildfire hazard identification, community preparedness, home hardening, and wildland fire risk mitigation. These services include wildfire risk overviews (home ignition zone assessments), community wildfire protection plan development, defensible space vegetation recommendations, evacuation planning, NWCG & FEMA course instruction, and meeting/training facilitation.

Our mission is to provide skilled and qualified wildland firefighters who are dedicated to reducing wildland fire hazards and increasing fire-safe community awareness in Teton County. We foster community collaboration by building relationships and providing information and key resources to help create fire-adapted communities.

Let’s Work Together

Photo: USFS Prevention Team